Our Schools

Titusville Area School District has grown to six state-of-the-art schools and one online school that serve students from prekindergarten through 12th grade. Each of our schools proudly employs dedicated and passionate staff members who view their students’ academic success as their #1 priority.

Early Child Learning Center
(K4 and K5 Kindergarten)
330 East Spruce Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: (814) 827–2715, ext. 7410

Hydetown Elementary School
(Grades 1–5)
12294 Gresham Road
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: (814) 827–2715, ext. 4410

Main Street Elementary School
(Grades 1–5)
117 West Main Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: (814) 827–2715, ext. 5410

Pleasantville Elementary School
(Grades 1–5)
374 North Main Street
Titusville, PA 16341
Phone: (814) 827‐2715, ext. 6410

Titusville Middle School
(Grades 6–8)
415 Water Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: (814) 827‐2715, ext. 2410, 2411

Titusville High School
(Grades 9–12)
302 East Walnut Street
Titusville, PA
Phone: (814) 827‐2715, ext. 1410

Rockets Online Campus
Cyber Program
(Grades K4–12)
316 North Drake Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: (814) 827-0565