Business Services
Our Business Services Department takes care of all the financial needs of the Titusville Area School District. The business staff ensures that our vendors and employees are billed and paid promptly, we adhere to our budget, schools receive necessary supplies and materials on time, and our financial operations are conducted in a transparent and responsible manner.
If you have questions about our business operations, budgets, vendor process, or financial reports, please contact us. We are happy to help.
Open Bids
Open bids available to vendors and contractors:
- Invitation to Bid - AquaPonics Equipment Installation and Support
- The Titusville Area School District will accept sealed bids for the following: Aquaponics Equipment Delivery, Installation and Support
Bid specifications and drawings may be obtained electronically by contacting Jesse Maine, Titusville Area School District, 301 East Spruce Street, Titusville, PA 16354, (814) 827-2715. (Email:
Proposals must be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and must be clearly marked with the appropriate project name as stated above. Envelopes shall be addressed to Titusville Area School District, Attn: Jesse Maine, 301 East Spruce Street, Titusville, PA 16354 until 11:59 a.m. prevailing time on, January 7, 2025, at which time proposals will be publicly opened for tabulation at the Titusville Area School District Administration Offices. Bids will be opened in order as stated above.
The Titusville Area School District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, in the best interest of the school district. The school district also reserves the right to waive defect in form.
- The Titusville Area School District will accept sealed bids for the following: Aquaponics Equipment Delivery, Installation and Support